Over 1300 talented writers have emerged from Sage Hill, and countless manuscripts have been revised and refined through our programming.

The value of Sage Hill’s programs is exemplified by the many published works that offer acknowledgments to Sage Hill, and by the related professional literary accomplishments of Sage Hill alumni, who have published widely in North America in both journal and book form.

Over 850 books have been published by alumni after attending Sage Hill’s programs. Congratulations to Sage Hill alumni on their literary accomplishments!

Alumni publications by author name

Sage Hill alumni whose publications are not listed here can contact us to have their publications added.

Recent Publications


AngieAbdouAnything Boys Can DoThistledown Press
AngieAbdouThe Bone CageNeWest Press
AngieAbdouBetweenArsenal Pulp Press
MarionAgnewMaking Up The GodsLatitude 46 Publishing
MarionAgnewReverberations: A Daughter’s Meditations on Alzheimer’sSignature Editions
AnarAliBaby Khaki’s WingsViking Canada
MadhurAnandA New Index for Predicting CatasrophesMcClelland and Stewart
SusanAndrews GracePhilosopher at the Skin Edge of BeingSignature Editions
SusanAndrews GraceLove and Tribal BaseballBuschekBooks
SusanAndrews GraceFlesh, A Naked DressHagios Press
SusanAndrews GraceFerry Woman’s History of the WorldCoteau Books
Sophie Anne EdwardsConversations with the Kagawong RiverTalonBooks
KateArmstrongThe Stone Frigate: The Royal Military College’s First Female Cadet Speaks OutDundurn Press
TammyArmstrong MooreBogman’s MusicAnvil Press
TammyArmstrong MooreYear of the Metal RabbitGaspereau Press
CaitlinArnalhausgebackenTransition Magazine
CaitlinArnalMagical PainTransition Magazine
CaitlinArnal“Leonard Goes to Florida”Saskatchewan’s Writers’ Guild’s Pandemic Anthology
ElaineArsenaultMOINEAUÉditions du Phoenix
ElaineArsenaultLes gardiennes de mystère- Le destin d’OpheliaDominique et cie
MarthaAttemaA Time to ChooseOrca Book Publishers
MarthaAttemaDaughter of LightOrca Book Publishers
MarthaAttemaWhen the War is OverOrca Book Publishers
MarthaAttemaHeroOrca Book Publishers
MarthaAttemaThe Paper WagonOrca Book Publishers
OanaAvasilichioaeiAbandonWolsak and Wynn
OanaAvasilichioaeiOccupational SicknessBuschekBooks
OanaAvasilichioaeiferia: a poemparkWolsak and Wynn
OanaAvasilichioaeiHandwerkBeautiful Outlaw
OanaAvasilichioaeiExpectations of ChimaeraBookThug
OanaAvasilichioaeiThe IslandsWolsak and Wynn
OanaAvasilichioaeiWe, BeastsWolsak and Wynn
OanaAvasilichioaeiUniversal Bureau of CopyrightsBookthug
ArtBabayantsBros (A Production)La Troupe du Jour
CatherineBanksBone CagePlaywrights Canada
CatherineBanksIt Is Solved by WalkingPlaywrights Canada
ShelleyBanksExile on a Grid RoadThistledown Press
JoBannatyne CugnetFrom Far and Wide: a Canadian Citizenship ScrapbookTundra Books
JoBannatyne CugnetHeartland: A Prairie SamplerTundra Books
JoBannatyne CugnetThe Day I Became a Canadian: A Citizenship ScrapbookTundra Books
CourtneyBates-HardyAnatomical VenusRadiant Press
MaryBazylevichThe Winter of the LeechmanThistledown Press
KimmyBeachNice Day for Murder: poems for James CagneyTurnstone Press
KimmyBeachAlarum Within: theatre poems Turnstone Press
KimmyBeachfake PaulTurnstone Press
KimmyBeachin CarsTurnstone Press
KimmyBeachThe Last Temptation of Bond University of Alberta Press
KimmyBeachNuala: A FableUniversity of Alberta Press
GerardBeirneThe Eskimo in the NetMarion Boyars Publishers Ltd
GerardBeirneTurtleOberon Press
GerardBeirneCharlie TallulahOberon Press
JacquelineBellBurning For ItRowan Books
JulieBerryworn thresholdsBrick
JulieBerrythe walnut-cracking machineBuschek Books of Ottawa
DonnaBeselLessons From a Nude ManHagios Press
DonnaBeselLove Me True: Writers Reflect on the Ins, Outs, Ups & Downs of MarriageCaitlin Press
BelindaBetkerPhasesCoteau Books
BelindaBetkerPhases (Expanded 2nd Edition)Shadowpaw Press
BelindaBetkerWithin These LinesThe Obsessors
CathyBeveridgeShadows of DisasterRonsdale Press
CathyBeveridgeOffsideThistledown Press
CathyBeveridgeChaos in HalifaxRonsdale Press
CathyBeveridgeOne on OneThistledown Press
CathyBeveridgeStormstruckRonsdale Press
CathyBeveridgeTragic LinksRonsdale Press
KateBitneySinging BoneThe Muses’ Company
KateBitneyFirewalkTurnstone Press
KateBitneyThe Boreal Dragon: Encounters with a Northern LandWolsak and Wynn
BeckyBlakeProof I Was HereWolsak and Wynn
AstridBlodgettYou Haven’t Changed a BitUniversity of Alberta Press
SandyBonnyThe Sometimes LakeThistledown Press
SandyBonnyYes, and Back AgainThistledown Press
HollyBorgerson CalderChickweedSage Hill
MaryBorskyInfluence of the MoonPorcupine’s Quill
MaryBorskyBenny Bensky and the Perogy PalaceTundra Books
MaryBorskyBenny Bensky and the Giant Pumpkin HeistTundra Books
MaryBorskyThe Company We KeepBuschekBooks
MaryBorskyCobalt BlueThomas Allen Publishers
MaryBorskyBenny Bensky and the Parrot-NapperTundra Books
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: The Two SistersFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: Escape from Susar IsleFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: The Spires of JorhaFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: On Rebel GroundFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: Castle KerrinFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: The Nueck TribeFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: Into the MountainsFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: Fight for FreedomFive by Five
AprilBossardLegend of the Sky Darts: Caspine’s ChoiceFive by Five
AnnetteBowerWoman of SubstanceSoul Mate Publishing
AnnetteBowerMoving OnSoul Mate Publishing
AnnetteBowerFearless DestinySoul Mate Publishing
AnnetteBowerPonytails and PromisesSoul Mate Publishing
AnnetteBowerFollow the Swallow HomeSoul Mate Publishing
PorticoBowmanCashmere Comes From GoatsStonehouse Publishing
FrancesBoylePortal StonesTree Press
FrancesBoyleLight-carved PassagesBuschekBooks
FrancesBoyleTowerFish Gotta Swim Editions
FrancesBoyleThe White NestQuattro Books
FrancesBoyleSeeking ShadePorcupine’s Quill
FrancesBoyleOpenwork and LimestoneFrontenac House Press
Mary LeeBraggAirplane EarthSilver Bow Publishing
WendyBrandtsCollected Iron WorksRideau Review Press
WendyBrandtsThe Inextinguishable DreamFriesen Press
KitBrennanTiger’s HeartJ. Gordon Shillingford
KitBrennanThe Invisibility of EileenPlaywrights Canada
KitBrennanOut on a Limb: Short Plays by New PlaywrightsSignature Editions
KitBrennanOne for the Road: New Plays for One ActorSignature Editions
KitBrennanWhip Smart: Lola Montez and the Poisoned Nom de PlumeAstor and Blue Editions
KitBrennanWhip Smart: Lola Montez Conquers the SpaniardsAstor and Blue Editions
KitBrennanWhip Smart: Lola Montez Starts a RevolutionAstor and Blue Editions
MichelleBrownYou Might Be Sorry You Read ThisUniversity of Alberta Press
MichelleBrownIntimaciesJack Pine Press
MichaelBrysonOnly a Lower Paradise and Other Short StoriesBoheme Press
MichaelBrysonFlightMercutio Press
MichaelBrysonThe Lizard and Other StoriesChaudiere Books
MichaelBrysonHow Many GirlfriendsSelf-published
MichaelBrysonWandering the Earth: A Selected Stories Samplerebook
Diane BuchananUnruly AngelsFrontenac House Press
LauraBurkhartWatermarksWild Sage Press
PamBustinMostly HappyThistledown Press
SusanCalderTo Catch a FoxBWL Publications Inc.
SusanCalderTen Days in SummerBWL Publications Inc.
SusanCalderDeadly FallTouchWood Editions
SusanCalderWinter’s RageBWL Publications Inc.
SusanCalderSpring Into DangerBWL Publications Inc.
JaneCallenSTELWhite Wall Review
JaneCallenGraceExile Editions
JaneCallenBernini’s ElephantGuernica Editions
KatCameronThe Eater of DreamsThistledown Press
KatCameronGhosts Still LingerUniversity of Alberta Press
AnneCampbellAngel Wings All OverThistledown Press
MijiCampbellSeparation Anxiety: A Coming-of-Middle-AgeWritenerant Press
SandraCampbellGetting to NormalStoddart Press
SandraCampbellBoth Hands: A Life of Lorne Pierce of Ryerson PressMcGill-Queen’s UP
BrianCampbellShimmer ReportEkstasis Editions
RebeccaCampbell“The Fourth Trimester is the Strangest.”The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
RebeccaCampbell“An Important Failure.”Clarkesworld
RebeccaCampbellArborealityStelliform Press
RebeccaCampbellThe TalositeUndertow Publications
FrankCaninoThe Angelina Project: A Play in Two ActsGuernica Editions
WarrenCariouThe Exalted Company of Roadside MartyrsCoteau
WarrenCariouLake of the Prairies:  A Story of BelongingDoubleday Canada
LaurenCarterFollowing SeaTurnstone Press
LaurenCarterLichen BrightYour Scrivener Press
LaurenCarterSwarmBrindle & Glass
LaurenCarterThis Has Nothing to Do With YouFreehand Books
SaraCassidyNot for SaleOrca Book Publishers
SaraCassidySkylarkOrca Book Publishers
SaraCassidyDouble PlayLorimer Publishing
SaraCassidySeeing OrangeOrca Book Publishers
SaraCassidyWindfallOrca Book Publishers
SaraCassidySlickOrca Book Publishers
SaraCassidySardinesGreenboathouse Books
MarilynCayPure and Startled SecondsHag Papers
MarilynCayFarmThistledown Press
NormaCharlesSophie Sea to SeaDundurn
NormaCharlesRunawayCoteau Books
NormaCharlesThe AccompliceRaincoast Books
NormaCharlesCriss Cross, Double CrossDundurn
NormaCharlesFuzzy WuzzyThe Books Collective
NormaCharlesAll the Way to MexicoRaincoast Books
NormaCharlesSophie’s Friend in NeedDundurn
NormaCharlesBoxcar KidDundurn
NormaCharlesThe Girl in the BackseatRonsdale Press
NormaCharlesBank JobOrca Book Publishers
NormaCharlesChasing a StarRonsdale Press
NormaCharlesRun Marco RunOrca Book Publishers
HilaryClarkMore LightBrick Books
HilaryClarkTwo HeavensHagios Press
HilaryClarkPliny’s Knicers, Book OneJackPine Press
HilaryClarkThe Dwelling of WeatherBrick Books
VerylCognillMake MeThistledown Press
KathleenCook WaldronFive Stars for EmilyOrca Young Readers
KathleenCook WaldronBetween ShadowsCoteau Books
MarleneCookshawLunar DriftBrick Books
MarleneCookshawShamelessBrick Books
MarleneCookshawDouble SomersaultsBrick Books
MarleneCookshawCouplingOutlaw Editions
DennisCooleyLeavingTurnstone Press
DennisCooleyFieldingThistledown Press
DennisCooleyBloody JackTurnstone Press
DennisCooleySoul SearchingRed Deer College Press
DennisCooleyDedicationsThistledown Press
DennisCooleyPerishable LightCoteau Books
DennisCooleythis only homeTurnstone Press
DennisCooleysunfallHouse of Anansi
DennisCooleyIreneTurnstone Press
DennisCooleyBloody Jack. 2nd ed.University of Alberta Press
DennisCooleyseeing redTurnstone Press
DennisCooleycountry musicKalamalka Press
DennisCooleythe bentleysUniversity of Alberta Press
DennisCooleyby word of mouthWilfred Laurier University Press
DennisCooleycorrection lineThistledown Press
DennisCooleythe stonesTurnstone Press
DennisCooleyabecedariumUniversity of Alberta Press
DennisCooleydeparturesTurnstone Press
DennisCooleythe muse singsat Bay Press
DennisCooleycold-press moonTurnstone Press
DennisCooleythe bestiaryTurnstone Press
DennisCooleygibbous moonat Bay Press
DennisCooleybody worksUniversity of Calgary Press
GloeCormieSea Salt, Red Oven Mitts and the BluesAugustine Hand Press
DonnaCostaBreathing With TreesSelf-published
KathyCram“Roots and Wings”The Society
KathyCram“If the Sky Could Dream”Happy Leopard Press
JoanCrateForeign HomesBrick Books
JoanCrateSuburban LegendsBroadview Press
LibbyCreelmanWalking in ParadiseThe Porcupine’s Quill
LibbyCreelmanThe Darren EffectGoose Lane
SallyCrooksAbout Jim and Me: A Love StoryBenchmark Press
BretCrowleJesus is a VoyeurFrontenac House Press
RobertCurrieThe Days Run AwayCoteau Books
RobertCurrieLiving With the HawkThistledown Press
RobertCurrieJim Shaw: The Rinse CycleKöln
RobertCurrieRunning in DarknessGauvin Press
RobertCurrieTeaching Mr. CutlerCoteau Books
RobertCurrieThings You Don’t ForgetCoteau Books


Madeleine MarieDahlemOld FartsUnknown
VirginiaDansereauUndertowThistledown Press
DianaDavidsonPilgrimageBrindle & Glass
RobertDawson“Be Mine Forever”AE
RobertDawson“The Art of Failure”Compelling SF
RobertDawson“The White Bear”Tesseracts 20, Edge
RobertDawson“Sparrowfall”Nature Futures
RobertDawson“Soup of the Evening” in Alice UnboundExile Editions
MarikaDeliyannidesBitter LakePorcupine’s Quill
Kristenden HartogThe Girl Giant: A NovelSimon & Schuster
Kristenden HartogAnd Me Among ThemBroadview Press
Kristenden HartogThe Occupied Garden: A Family Memoir of War-Torn HollandMcLelland & Stewart
Kristenden HartogOrigin of HaloesMcLelland & Stewart
Kristenden HartogWater WingsMacadam Cage Publishing
Kristenden HartogThe Perpetual EndingAlfred and Knopf Canada
Kristenden HartogThe Roosting BoxGoose Lane
Dauna Mae (D.M.)DitsonWide OpenCoteau Books
SusanDohertyA Secret MusicCormorant Books
SusanDohertyThe Ghost GardenRandom House Canada
Meredith DonaldsonTruth or ConsequencesKindle Edition
Meredith DonaldsonDirty GoldKindle Edition
Meredith DonaldsonStreetwalkersKindle Edition
Meredith DonaldsonWoodland Prep: The Mark of the ErlingKindle Edition
Meredith DonaldsonThe Isles of Flane a Romance of the Inner HebridesKindle Edition
Meredith Donaldsonin the Days of ColumbaKindle Edition
Wendy DonawaOur Bodies’ Unanswered QuestionsFrontenac House
WendyDonawaThe Gorge: A Cartography of SorrowsJackPine Press
Wendy DonawaThin Air of the KnowableBrick Books
PauletteDubéThe Weight of RocksBlack Moss Press
PauletteDubéTalonNeWest Press
PauletteDubéFirst MountainThistledown Press
PauletteDubéGaitsThistledown Press
BonnieDunlopCarnival BoxThistledown Press
BonnieDunlopThe Beauty BoxThistledown Press
MarieDunnThe Ladies of Lorton LandingUnknown
MarieDunnA Thousand Awkward MomentsiUniverse
MarieDunnTwinning a Three-Fold Love: The Father, the Son. . . the Holy GhostRosedog Press
MarieDunnThe Ladies of Lorton Landing
RobinDyke64 SpursBay Tidings Creations
JannieEdwardsThe Possibilities of ThirstRowan Books
JannieEdwardsBlook Opera: The Raven Tango PoemsMacEwan Press
JannieEdwardsFalling BluesFrontenac House Press
David Elias Places of GraceCoteau Books
David Elias Sunday AfternoonCoteau Books
David Elias Waiting for Elvis: A NovelCoteau Books
David Elias Henry’s Game: A NovellaHagios Press
David Elias Along the Border: Short Stories by One of Canada’s Good Books
David Elias Elizabeth of BohemiaECW Press
DavidEliasThe Truth About Barns: A Voyage of DiscoveryGreat Plains Publications
SarahEnsThe World is Mostly SkyTurnstone Press
SarahEnsFlywayTurnstone Press
JoanneEppEigenheimTurnstone Press
JoanneEppNothing But TimeSeven Kitchens Press
JoanneEppCattail SkylineTurnstone Press
AlydaFaberPoisonous If Eaten RawIcehouse Poetry
AlydaFaberDust or FireIcehouse Poetry
KimFahnerEmptying the OceanFrontenac House Press
KimFahnerThe Donoghue GirlLatitude 46 Publishing
EufemiaFantettiMy Father, Fortune-tellers & MeMother Tongue Publishing
TrinyFinlayYou don’t want what I’ve gotToronto’s Junction Books
BettyFizpatrick DorionBay GirlTurtleback Books
BettyFizpatrick DorionStrikeCoteau Books
BettyFizpatrick DorionWhose Side are You On?Coteau Books
JackieFlanaganGlass CastlesBayeux Arts
PattiFlather Map of the Land, Map of the Stars (co-creator)Canadian Theatre Review 
PattiFlather ParadisePlaywrights Canada Press
JenniferFootmanGathering Fuel in Vacant LotsMekler & Deahl Publishers
JenniferFootmanSeed: an Anthology: Poetry, Fiction, Non-fictionBald Eagle Press
JenniferFootmanSt. Valentine’s DayBroken Jaw Press
JenniferFootmanAn Invisible Accordion: A Canadian Poetry Association AnthologyBroken Jaw Press
JenniferFootmanWest LightsHidden Brook Press
MeahFrankMrs. FrankAnvil Press
RebeccaFredericksonA Secret Envy of the UnsavedCoteau Books
Cecelia FreyMoments of Joy: A NovelInanna Poetry and Fiction Series
Cecelia FreyA Raw Mix of Carelessness and LongingBrindle & Glass
Cecelia FreyUnder Nose HillBayeux Arts
Cecelia FreyA Fine MischiefTouchwood Press
Cecelia FreyReckless WomanRonsdale Press
Cecelia FreyThe Prisoner of Cage FarmUniversity of Calgary Press
TekeylaFridayBothers: Powers of the Archangel MichaelBalboa Press
BerniceFriesenThe Book of BeastsCoteau Books
BerniceFriesenThe Crying JesusThistledown Press
BerniceFriesenSex, Death, and Naked MenCoteau Books
BerniceFriesenThe Seasons Are HorsesThistledown Press
BerniceFriesenUniversal DisorderFreehand Books


PamGallowayPassing Stranger: PoemsBrunswick Books
PamGallowayParallel LinesEkstasis Editions
PamGallowayQuintet: Themes and VariationsEkstasis Editions
JonathanGarfinkelHouse of Many TonguesPlaywrights Canada Press
JonathanGarfinkelAmbivalence: Adventures in Israel and PalestineW.W. Norton and Company
JonathanGarfinkelGlass PsalmsTurnstone Press
JonathanGarfinkelThe Trials of John Demjanjuk: A Holocaust CabaretPlaywrights Canada Press
LarryGasperPrinces in WaitingCoteau Books
DustinGeeraertThe Celestial PuppeteerKindle Edition
JoanneGerberIn the Misleading Absence of LightCoteau Books
AsherGhaffarWasps in a Golden Dream Hum a Strange MusicECW
ShreeGhatageSeteNeri Pozza
ShreeGhatageThirstDoubleday Canada
ShreeGhatageIl destino è sveglio mentre il mondo dormeIl Punto d’Incontro
ShreeGhatageBrahma’s DreamAnchor Canada
ShreeGhatageAwake When All the World is AsleepHouse of Anansi Press
CaroleGiangrandeHere Comes the DreamerUnknown
CaroleGiangrandeMidsummer: a NovellaInanna Publications
CaroleGiangrandeA gardener on the moonQuattro Books
CaroleGiangrandeAn Ordinary StarCormorant Books
CaroleGiangrandeA Forest BurningCormorant Books
CaroleGiangrandeMissing PersonsCormorant Books
CaroleGiangrandeAll That Is Solid Melts Into AirInanna
KateGies“How to Scream Sing”Humber Literary Review
KateGies“Kids of 7C”Longlisted for CBC Nonfiction Price
W. MarkGilesKnucklehead and Other StoriesAnvil Press
SeemaGoelAny Sharp Knife Will DoDunlop Art Gallery
SeemaGoelFlatlanders: Saskatchewan Artists on the HorizonMendel Art Gallery
SeemaGoelBlownDunlop Art Gallery
AnnGoldringSpitfireRaincoast Books
GabrieleGoldstoneCrow StoneRonsdale Press
GabriellaGoligerGirl UnwrappedArsenal Pulp Press
ArielGordonHumpPalimpsest Press
ArielGordonStowawaysPalimpsest Press
NoraGouldSelahBrick Books
HeidiGrecoRattlesnake PlantainAnvil Press
HeidiGrecoA: The Amelia PoemsLipstick Press
HeidiGrecoShrinking VioletsQuattro Books
HeidiGrecoFlightpaths: The Lost Journals of AmeliaCaitlyn Press
HeidiGrecoPractical AnxietyInanna Publications
HeidiGrecoGlorious BirdsAnvil Press
ElizabethGreeneNo Ordinary DaysEkstasis Editions
EricGreenwayThe Darkness Beneath All ThingsHagios Press
CatherineGreenwoodThe Pearl King and Other PoemsBrick Books
CatherineGreenwoodThe Lost LettersBrick Books
RosemaryGriebelYesFrontenac House Press
AdrienneGruberIntertidal ZonesJack Pine Press
AdrienneGruberEverything WaterCactus Press
AdrienneGruberMimicLeaf Press
AdrienneGruberThis is the NightmareThistledown Press
LisaGuentherAll That’s LeftNeWest Press
TonjaGunvaldsen KlaasenClay BirdsCoteau Books
TonjaGunvaldsen KlaasenÖrBrick Books
JerryHaighPorcupines to Polar Bears. Adventures of a Wildlife VeterinarianDragon Hill
JerryHaighOf Moose and Men: A Wildlife Vet’s Pursuit of the World’s Largest DeerECW Press
RayanneHainesWhat Kind of Daughter?Frontenac House
SusanHaldaneHard Bargain RoadGasperau Press
HeatherHaleyThe Town Slut’s DaughterHome Sound Publishing
LouiseHalfeBear Bones & FeathersCoteau Books
LouiseHalfeBlue MarrowMcLelland & Stewart
LouiseHalfeBlue Marrow (revised ed.)Coteau Books
LouiseHalfeThe Crooked GoodCoteau Books
MeredithHambrockOther People’s SecretsPenguin Random House Canada
TracyHamonThis is Not EdenThistledown Press
TracyHamonInterruptions in GlassCoteau Books
TracyHamonRed CurlsThistledown Press
Brecken RoseHancockBroom BroomCoach House Books
CherieHansonLaying it on the LineSelf published
CherieHansonWarrior PoetsAmazon
CherieHansonErasureNaropa UP
CherieHansonLove Poems for the Media AgeRipple Effect Press
CherieHansonBlog to Book: Expressions 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011Lulu.com
ErinaHarrisThe Staghead SpokeWolsak & Wynn
Jane Harris“Appearing and Disappearing: A Poet Gets Up from the Table” in Impact: Women Writing After ConcussionUniversity of Alberta Press
MaureenHarrisSlow Curve OutPedlar Press
MaureenHarrisPoesie da: Drowning Lessons di Maureen Scott HarrisCentro Siena-Toronto
MaureenHarrisWeathering: a group poemSilver Maple Press
MaureenHarrisThe Raven and the Writing DeskJack Pine Press
MaureenHarrisDrowning LessonsPedlar Press
MaureenHarrisThe World SpeaksJunction Books
CarlaHartsfieldYour Last Day on EarthBrick Books
ElaineHarveyEncounters on the Front Line: Cambodia: A MemoirPromontory Press
Betty JaneHegeratRunning Toward HomeNeWest Press
Betty JaneHegeratA Crack in the WallOolichan Books
Betty JaneHegeratDeliveryOolichan Books
Betty JaneHegeratThe BoyOolichan Books
TrevorHerriotThe Road is HowHarperCollins
TrevorHerriotGrass, Sky, SongsHarperCollins
TrevorHerriotQu’Appelle: Tales of Two ValleysMendel Art Gallery
GeraldHillHillsdale BooksNeWest Press
DeeHobsbawn-SmithWhat Can’t Be UndoneThistledown Press
DeeHobsbawn-SmithBread & Water: essaysUniversity of Regina Press
DeeHobsbawn-SmithDanceland Diary: a novelRadiant Press
DeeHobsbawn-SmithAmong the Untamed: poemsFrontenac House
JacquelineHonnetLimboTurnstone Press
LeahHorlickRiot LungThistledown Press
JanHornerEnraptured Mothers, Lost BridesStaccato Chapbooks
JanHornerElizabeth Went WestTurnstone Press
KarenHouleBallast PoemsHouse of Anansi Press
KarenHouleDuringGaspereau Press
KenHoweHousehold Hints for the End of TimeBrick Books
KenHoweCruise Control: A TheogonyNightwood
KenHoweThe Civic-Mindedness of TreesWolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd
AislinnHunterThe World Before UsHogarth Press
AislinnHunterWhat’s Left of UsAnchor Canada
AislinnHunterStayAnchor Canada
AislinnHunterA Peepshow With Views of the Interior: ParatextsPalimpsest Press
AislinnHunterThe Possible PastRaincoast Books
AislinnHunterInto the Early HoursRaincoast Books
MaureenHynesHarm’s WwayBrick Books
MaureenHynesMarrow, WillowPedlar Press
SallyItoAre You an Echo: The Lost Poetry of Misuzu KanekoChin Music Press
SallyItoThe Emperor’s OrphansTurnstone Press
SallyItoHearts HydrographyTurnstone Press
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Anne and HenrySimon Pulse
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)5-7-5 Errand BoyAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Beneath the SoilAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)TranspirationAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Killer’s InstinctLeap Books
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)It’s a BlastAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Tasting my StoryAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Amelia ‘Xerce’s DuffyAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Cut! To the ChaseAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Gotta JetAlberta Canola Producers
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)SpiritedLeap Books
Dawn MarieIus (Pseudonym: Dawn Dalton)Fields of HomeAlberta Canola Producers
MarilynIwamaI Got it From an Elder: Conversations in Healing LanguageGaspereau Press
MarilynIwamaSkin Whispers DownThistledown Press


JoanneJacksonThe WheatonStonehouse Publishing
WalfriedJansenSharp Edge of NorthBoreal Publishing
CathyJewisonThe Ugly Truck and Dog Contest and Other Tales of Northern LifeBorealis Press
FaithJohnstonThe Only Man in the WorldTurnstone Press
FaithJohnstonA Great Restlessness: The Life and Politics of Dorise NielsenUniversity of Manitoba Press
MavisJonesHer Festival ClothesMcGill-Queen’s UP
MaryKellyOn Mockingbird Hill: Memories of dharma bums, madcaps, and fire lookoutsCaitlin Press
FranKimmelThe Shore Girl (Nunatak First Fiction)NeWest Press
BarbaraKlarThe Blue FieldStoddard
BarbaraKlarTower RoadJackPine Press
BarbaraKlarCypressBrick Books
WilliamKlebeckDown Milligan Creek WayCoteau Books
WilliamKlebeckWhere the Rain EndsThistledown Press
WilliamKlebeckFarm WorksJack Pine Press
CarrollKleinbee purpleHarland Press
KatherineKollerWinning Chance: StoriesGreat Plains Publishing
SheenaKoopsVoice of the ValleyOrca Book Publishers
VictoriaKoopsWho We Are in Real LifeGroundwoood Books
TreenaKortjeVariations of EveCoteau Books
MiriamKörnerQaqaviiRed Deer Press
MiriamKörnerWhen We Had Sled DogsYNWP
MiriamKörnerFox and BearRed Deer Press
MiriamKörnerSeagull IslandYNWP
LiisaKovalaSisu’s Winter WarLatitude 46 Publishing
KenKowalGimp CrowTurnstone Press
AllisonKrausNow That I’ve Found YouAlfred Publishing Co.
PatKrauseActs of Love: A MemoirCoteau Books
JaniceKulyk KeeferThe Green LibraryHarperCollins
JaniceKulyk KeeferMarrying the SeaBrick Books
JaniceKulyk KeeferKyiv, of Two Lands: New VisionsCoteau Books
JaniceKulyk KeeferHoney and Ashes: A Story of FamilyHarperCollins
JaniceKulyk KeeferAnna’s GoatOrca Book Publishers
JaniceKulyk KeeferTheivesHarper Flamingo
JaniceKulyk KeeferMidnight StrollExile Editions
JaniceKulyk KeeferThe Ladies’ Lending LibraryHarper
JaniceKulyk KeeferJanice Kulyk Keefer: essays on her worksGuernica
AllisonKyddEmily via the Greyhound BusThistledown Press
FionaLamThe Rainbow RocketOolichan Books
FionaLamThe Bright WellLeaf Press
FionaLamEnter the ChrysanthemumCaitlin Press
FionaLamDoubles Lives: Writing and MotherhoodMcGill-Queen’s UP
FionaLamIntimate DistancesNightwood Editions
BarbaraLanghorstrestless white fieldsNeWest
KatherineLawrenceLying to Our MothersCoteau Books
KatherineLawrenceSplit EndsJack Pine Press
KatherineLawrenceRing Finger, Left HandCoteau Books
JulieLawsonA Morning to Polish and KeepRed Deer Press
JulieLawsonGhosts of the TitanicScholastic Books
JulieLawsonDear Canada: A Christmas to RememberScholastic Publishing
JulieLawsonDear Canada: Where the River Takes MeScholastic Publishing
JulieLawsonThe Pirates of Captain McKeeScholastic Canada
JulieLawsonDear Canada: No Safe HarbourScholastic Publishing
JulieLawsonDear Canada: A Season for MiraclesScholastic Publishing
JulieLawsonCougar CoveOrca Books
JulieLawsonSummer of GoldPenguin
JulieLawsonBuilding BridgesPenguin
JulieLawsonArizona Charlie and the Klondike KidOrca Books
JulieLawsonDear Canada: A Ribbon of Shining SteelScholastic Publishing
JulieLawsonThe Klondike CatKids Can Press
JulieLawsonDisaster at the BridgePenguin
JulieLawsonAcross the James Bay BridgePenguin
JulieLawsonDestination GoldOrca Books
JulieLawsonGoldstone TrilogyFitzhenry and Whiteside
JulieLawsonBear on the TrainKids Can Press
JulieLawsonMidnight in the MountainsOrca Books
JulieLawsonIn Like a LionScholastic Canada
JulieLawsonEmma and the Silk TrainKids Can Press
AnneLazurkoDollybirdCoteau Books
JudyLeBlancPermission to LandCaitlin Press
LindyLedohowskiThe Winter LindarooSelf published
LindyLedohowskiThe Jungle MungleSelf published
LindyLedohowskiThe Dragon MamaSelf published
LindyLedohowskiThe Slither LizardSelf published
LindyLedohowskiThe Bog FrogSelf published
SylviaLegrisCircuitry of VeinsTurnstone Press
JoannaLilleyIf There Were RoadsTurnstone Press
JoannaLilleyThe Birthday BooksHagios Press
JoannaLilleyThe Fleece EraBrick Books
JoannaLilleyWorry StonesRonsdale Press
JoannaLilleyEndlingsTurnstone Press
BrookeLockyerBURRNightwood Editions
AlisonLohansPicturing AlyssaDundurn Press
AlisonLohansCrossingsBundoran Press
AlisonLohansThe Break (Sails Literacy Series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansStop that Pup (Sails Literacy Series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansDog Alert (Nitty Gritty Novel Series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansCollapse of the VeilBundoran Press
AlisonLohansGermy Johnson’s Piano WaraemWORKS Publishing
AlisonLohansDoppelganger (Nitty Gritty Novel Series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansDon’t Think TwiceYour Nickel’s Worth Publishing
AlisonLohansRiver Rat (Nitty Gritty Novel Series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansGermy Johnson’s Secret PlanaemWORKS Publishing
AlisonLohansThis Land We Call Home (Nitty Gritty Novel series)Pearson Education
AlisonLohansThe Rasperry RoomOrca Book Publishers
AlisonLohansOld, Tired DogHeinemann Education
AlisonLohansWaiting for the SunRed Deer Press
AlisonLohansNo Place for KidsRoussan Publishers
AlisonLohansSkateboard KidsRoussan Publishers
AlisonLohansSundog RescueAnnick Press
AlisonLohansGetting Rid of Mr. RibitusHodgepog Books
AlisonLohansNatheniel’s ViolinOrca Books
JaniceLoreIpsissima VerbaLeaf Press
HollyLuhningSwayThistledown Press
HollyLuhningPlushJackPine Press
JeanetteLynesParadise Frost: The Thunder Bay Poetry RenaissanceEdgy Writers
JeanetteLynesWords Out There:Women Poets in Atlantic CanadaRoseway
JeanetteLynesA Woman Alone on the Atikokan Highway: PoemsWolsak and Wynn
JeanetteLynesinglish prof with her head in a blender above/ground press
JeanetteLynesThe Aging Cheerleader’s Alphabet: PoemsMansfield Press
JeanetteLynesLeft Fields: Poems.Wolsak and Wynn
JeanetteLynesSporting in New ScotlandMercutio Press
JeanetteLynesThe Crisp Day Closing on my Hand: The Poetry of M. Travis LaneWilfrid Laurier UP
JeanetteLynesGhost Works: Improvisations in Letters and PoemsJack Pine Press
JeanetteLynesIt’s Hard Being Queen: The Dusty Springfield PoemsFreehand
JeanetteLynesThe Factory VoiceCoteau Books
JeanetteLynesThe New Blue DistanceWolsak and Wynn
JeanetteLynesArchive of the Undressed: PoemsWolsak and Wynn


TanisMacDonaldThe Daughter’s Way: Canadian Woman’s Paternal EligiesWilfred Laurier UP
TanisMacDonaldRue the DayTurnstone Press
TanisMacDonaldFortuneTurnstone Press
TanisMacDonaldStraggle: Adventures in Walking While FemaleWolsak and Wynn
SueMacLeodThat Singing You Hear at the EdgesSignature Editions
SueMacLeodTo Find Us: Words and Images of HalifaxHalifax Regional Municipality
SueMacLeodNamesakePajama Press
AlexanderMacLeodLight LiftingBiblioasis Press
MargaretMacphersonTracking the Caribou Queen: Memior of a Settler GirlhoodNewest Press
MargaretMacphersonTilting Towards JoySignature Editions
HannahMain-van der KampThe Parable BoatWolsak and Wynn Publishers Ltd
HannahMain-van der KampWith Averted VisionSt. Thomas Poetry Series
HannahMain-van der KampAccording to Loon BaySt. Thomas Poetry Series
HannahMain-van der KampSlow Sunday on the Malaspina StraitSt. Thomas Poetry Series
MargaretMalloch ZielinskiInk Dogs in my ShoesNose in Book Publishing
MargaretMalloch ZielinskiArchitectural VariationsQuillfyre Publishing
MargaretMalloch ZielinskiAbove the Hum of Yellow JacketsBondi Studios
MeganMartinGinger Snaps II: UnleashedUnknown
HilaryMartinSolo-OpsSelf published
JeniMayerSuspicion IslandThistledown Press
JeniMayerThe Mystery of the Missing WillThistledown Press
RhonaMcAdamEx-villeOolichan Books
RhonaMcAdamDigging the City: An Urban Agriculture ManifestoRocky Mountain Books
RhonaMcAdamLarderCaitlin Press
NeilMcArthur(ed) Essays and Treatises on Philosophical Subjects by David HumeBroadview Press
NeilMcArthurDavid Hume’s Political Theory: Law, Commerce,University of Toronto Press
NeilMcArthurand the Constitution of GovernmentUnknown
JoAnnMcCaigReading In: Alice Munro’s ArchivesWilfred Laurier UP
JoAnnMcCaigThe Textbook of the RoseCormorant Books
ElizabethMcCallisterNotes from SuburbiaCraighleigh Press
LynnMcCloryAffective InfluenceFrog Hollow Press
KimMcCulloughClearwaterCoteau Books
MaryMcDonaldAnother end of the roadCoteau Books
CassidyMcFadzeanCrying DressHouse of Anasi
DonnaMcFarlaneDivision of SurgeryWomen’s Press
JudyMcFarlaneWriting With Grace A Journey Beyond down SyndromeDouglas & McIntyre
LeoMcKayRoll Up the RimRed Row House
LeoMcKayTwenty-sixMcLelland & Stewart
LeoMcKayLike ThisAstoria
DavidMcLaren[nar-uh-gan-sits] A Rhode Island ThanksgivingFiddlehead Literary Journal
SusanMcMasterLa Deriva del Pianeta/World ShiftSchifanoia Press
SusanMcMasterUntil the Light BendsBlack Moss Press
SusanMcMasterThe Gargoyle’s Left Ear: Writing in OttawaBlack Moss Press
SusanMcMasterCrossing Arcs: Alzheimer’s, My Mother, and MeBlack Moss Press
SusanMcMasterPaper Affair: Poems Selected & NewBlack Moss Press
ChristineMcNairToxeminaBookhug Press
MariaMeindlThe WorkStonehouse Publishing
HeatherMenziesEnter Mourning: A Memoir on Death, Dementia and Coming HomeKey Porter Books
HeatherMenziesNo Time: Stress and the Crisis of Modern LifeDouglas and McIntrye
HeatherMenziesCanada in the Global VillageMcGill-Queen’s UP
MarianneMillerWe Were the BullfightersDundurn Press
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) One Good HustleCNIB
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) The Long Quiche GoodbyeCNIB
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) The Virgin of Small PlainsCNIB
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) Map of Bones of a Sigma Force ModelCNIB
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) Look for MeCNIB
HarrietMillstone(Contributer) Dear DepartedCNIB
IsaMilmanBetween the DoorpostsEkstasis Editions
IsaMilmanPrairie KaddishCoteau Books
IsaMilmanSomething Small to Carry HomeQuattro Books
JamesMisfeldtA Family Matter
JamesMisfeldtA Promising Career
JamesMisfeldtAnother Zoo Story
JamesMisfeldtBirds of Paradise
JamesMisfeldtGoldie and the Three Bears
JamesMisfeldtHearbreak Hotel
JamesMisfeldtRandom Acts
JamesMisfeldtStar Light, Star Bright
JamesMisfeldtSwamp Fever
JuneMitchelland I think to myselfBenchmark Press
JuneMitchellSleeping with Geraniums: poemsEmpty Mirrors Press
KathrynMocklerOnion ManTightrope Press
KathrynMocklerThe Saddest Place on EarthDC Books
KathrynMocklerThe Purpose PitchMansfield Press
SusanMocklerFractured: a memoirSecond Story Press
LyndaMonahanAnthology: Skating in the Exit LightPasquia Publishing
LyndaMonahanUntyping the Apron: AnthologyGuernica Editions
LyndaMonahanwhat my body knowsCoteau Books
LyndaMonahana slow dance in the flamesCoteau Books
Lynda MonahanThe Door at the End of EverythingShadow Paw Press
LisaMooreDegrees of NakednessAstoria
LisaMooreAlligator House of Anansi Press
LisaMooreFebruaryChatto & Windus
LisaMooreCaughtHouse of Anansi Press
JuliaMouldenRIPE: Rich, Rewarding Work After 50Self published
HelenMourreTo Everything A SeasonYour Nickel’s Worth Publishing
HelenMourreWhat’s Come Over HerThistledown Press
HelenMourreLandlockedThistledown Press
HelenMourreThe Day My Mother Walked on Water: A Collection of EssaysYNWP
ChidoMuchemwaWho Will Bury You and Other StoriesHouse of Anansi Press
BarbaraMulcahyThe Man with the Dancing MonkeyWolsack and Wynn
AlaynaMunceWhen I Was Young and in my PrimeNightwood Editions
AllisonMuriThe Enlightenment Cyborg: A History of Communications andUniversity of Toronto Press
EmiliaNeilsenSurge NarrowsLeaf Press
LorriNeilsen GlennUntyping the Apron: AnthologyGuernica Editions
LorriNeilsen GlennThreading the Light: Explorations in Loss and PoetryHagios Press
LorriNeilsen GlennLost GospelsBrick Books
LorriNeilsen GlennCombustionBrick Books
LorriNeilsen GlennSaved StringRubicon Press
LorriNeilsen GlennAll the Perfect DisguisesBroken Jaw Press
LorriNeilsen GlennThreading Light: Explorations in Loss and PoeryNimbus Publishing
LorriNeilsen GlennThe Old Moon in Her Arms: Women I Have Known and BeenNimbus Publishing
GregNelsonThe FallPlaywrights Guild of Canada
GregNelsonMick unpluggedPGC Play Service
GregNelsonThe File (one act)Playwrights Guild of Canada
GregNelsonThe Seven Dudley SinsCBC Audio
GregNelsonNorthPlaywrights Union of Canada
GregNelsonSpirit WrestlerCoteau Books
GregNelsonSpeak: a comedyPlaywrights Canada Press
SueNevillAll You Expect of the Road:Poems by Sue NevillDundurn Press
SueNevillQuintet: Themes & VariationsEkstasis Editions
WynneNicholsonSmall GiftsThistledown Press
BrendaNiskalaHow to Be a RiverWild Sage Press
BrendaNiskalaFor the Love of StrangersCoteau Books
BrendaNiskalaOf all the Ways to DieQuattro Press
BrendaNiskalaWhat Butterflies do at NightB-print
BrendaNiskalaEmma’s HorizonsHagpapers
BrendaNiskalaOpen 24 HoursBroken Jaw
RosemaryNixonAre You Ready to Be Lucky?Broadview Press
RosemaryNixonKalilaGoose Lane
RosemaryNixonThe Cock’s EggNeWest
RosemaryNixonMostly CountryNeWest
ErinNoteboom (Bow)The Scorpion RulesSimon and Schuster
ErinNoteboom (Bow)Sorrow’s KnotScholastic
ErinNoteboom (Bow)Plain KateScholastic
SheldonObermanThe Island of the MinotaurInterlink Pub. Group
SheldonObermanThe Wisdom BirdBoyds Mills Press
SheldonObermanThe Shaman’s NephewFitzhenry & Whiteside
SheldonObermanBy the Hanukkah LightBoyds Mills Press
SheldonObermanThe Always Prayer ShawlPuffin
SheldonObermanThis Business with ElijahTurnstone Press
LouiseO’DonnellInfinite HorizonsPrintcraft
LouiseO’DonnellShuffling into PlaceBlue Heron Arts
JasminaOdorYou Can’t Stay HereThistledown Press
CatherineOwenMoving to DelilahFreehand Books


CurtisParkinsonDeath in KingsportTundra Books
CurtisParkinsonThe Castle on Deadman’s IslandTundra Books
CurtisParkinsonMan Overboard!Tundra Books
LiaPassusurrationsPlainclothes Press
LiaPasHuskJackPine Press
LiaPaswhat is this place we have come toThistledown Press
LiaPasvicissitudesUnderwhich Editions
LisaPasoldAny Bright HorseFrontenac House
LisaPasoldRats of Las VegasEnfield & Wizenty
LisaPasoldA Bad Year for JournalistsFrontenac House
LisaPasoldWeaveFrontenac House
JeromePeacock“Karma Bums”The Bombay Review
MirandaPearsonThe Fire ExtinguisherOolichan Books
MirandaPearsonHarbourOolichan Books
MirandaPearsonThe AviaryOolichan Books
MirandaPearsonPrimeDundurn Press
SorayaPeerbayePoems for the Advisory Committee on Antarctic NamesGoose Lane
SorayaPeerbayeTell: poems for a girlhoodPeregrine Book
A. S. (Anthea)PenneReckoningTurnstone Press
A. S. (Anthea)PenneOld StonesHorsdal & Schubart
ChristinaPennerWidows of Hamilton HouseEnfield & Wizenty
SheilaPetersShafted: A MysteryCreekstone Press
SheilaPetersThe Taste of AshesCaitlin Press
SheilaPetersthe weather from the westCreekstone Press
SheilaPetersTending the Remnant DamageBeach Holme
SheilaPetersCanyon Creek: A ScriptCreekstone Press
WendyPhilpottBreathless AirCBC Radio
AlisonPickQueston and AnswerRaincoast Books
AlisonPickThe Sweet EdgeRaincoast Books
AlisonPickThe Dream WorldMcLelland & Stewart
AlisonPickFar to GoHouse of Anansi Press
AlisonPickBetween GodsDoubleday Canada
AlanPickardEvidence for a Spinning EarthOmakau House
AlexPierceTo float, to drown, to close up, to openThe University of Alberta Press
PearlPiriefootlightsRadiant Press
AlPopeBad LatitudesTurnstone Press
LizaPotvinThe Traveller’s HatRaincoast Books
MariePowellHawkFive Rivers
MariePowellDragonflies are Amazing!Scholastic Canada
MariePowellSpirit Sight (Last of the Gifted, Book 1)Wood Dragon Books
MariePowellWater Sight (Last of the Gifted, Book 2)Wood Dragon Books
MariePowellOut of Trout (Word Families)Amicus Digital
MariePowellWhat Good is a U? (Vowels)Amicus Digital
NicholasPowerNo PoemsBattered Press
NicholasPowerMelancholy ScientistTekst Press
KarenPressPale Red FootprintsPedlar Press
KarenPressSpineGaspereau Press
KarenPressTypes of Canadian WomenGaspereau Press
KarenPressExquisite MonstersTurnstone Press
ConcettaPrincipeDisorderGordon Hill Press
AdellePurdhamI Don’t Do Disability and Other Lies I’ve Told Myself: a memoir-in-essaysDundurn Press
Darlene BarryQuaifeDeath WritesArsenal Pulp Press
Darlene BarryQuaifePolar CircusTurnstone Press
Darlene BarryQuaifeDays and Nights on the AmazonTurnstone Press
MarionQuednauThe Gift of OdinAnnick Press
MarionQuednauNerves Out LoudAnnick Press
MarionQuednauKissing: Selected ChroniclesLeague of Canadian Poets
LloydRatzlaffBindy’s MoonThistledown Press
LloydRatzlaffBackwater Mystic BluesThistledown Press
LloydRatzlaffSeeing it Through: An Anthology of WritingsRead Saskatoon
LloydRatzlaffThe Crow Who Tampered with TimeThistledown Press
JanRedfordEnd of the Rope: Mountains, Marriage, and MotherhoodRandom House
RobertaReesLong After FathersCoteau Books
MurrayReissCemetery CompostFrontenac House
MurrayReissThe Survival Rate of Butterflies in the WildReiss
AlRempelThis Isn’t the Apocalypse I Hoped ForCaitlin Press
AlRempelFour Neat HolesLeaf Press
AlRempelUndiscovered CountryMother Tongue Publishing
BruceRiceDescent into LimaCoteau Books
BruceRiceThe Illustrated Statue of LibertyCoteau Books
BruceRice Life in the CanopyHagios Press
BruceRiceThe Trouble With BeautyCoteau Books
BruceRiceDorothy McMoogle With Kumquat and BugleWild Sage Press
BruceRiceThe Vivian PoemsRadiant Press
NancyRichlerYour Mouth is LovelyHarperCollins
NancyRichlerThe Imposter BrideHarperCollins
SandraRidleyVixenBook Hug Press
JanaRiegerA Course in DeceptionTellwell
Kelly-AnneRiessI Love SaskatchewanMacIntyrePurcell
Kelly-AnneRiessTo End a ConversationThistledown Press
Kelly-AnneRiessSaskatchewan Book of EverythingMacIntyrePurcell
RuthRoach PiersonWhere No Window WasBuschekBooks
RuthRoach PiersonAide-MémoireBuschekBooks
RuthRoach PiersonContraryTightrope Books
RuthRoach PiersonRealignmentPalimpsest Press
RuthRoach PiersonTill I Caught MyselfSeraphim Editions
RuthRoach PiersonAperture: Poem for Josef SudekRufus Books
RuthRoach PiersonUntranslatable ThoughtAnstruther Press
J. JillRobinsonLovely in Her BonesArsenal Pulp Press
J. JillRobinsonEggplant WifeArsenal Pulp Press
J. JillRobinsonResidual DesireCoteau Books
J. JillRobinsonMore in AngerThomas Allen Publishers
MaryRykovsome conditions applyInanna Publications


TriciaSaxbyHer Ex’s SecretPete’s Press
AngelineSchellenbergTell Them it Was MozartBrick Books
AngelineSchellenbergDented TubasKalamalka Press
AngelineSchellenbergIrisesDancing Girl Press
AngelineSchellenbergBlue Moon, Red HerringJackPine Press
AngelineSchellenbergFields of Light and StoneUniversity of Alberta Press
Angeline SchellenbergMondegreen RiffsAt Bay Press
GwynnScheltemaTen of DiamondsGlentula Press
BrendaSchmidtMore Than Three Feet of IceThistledown Press
BrendaSchmidtCantos from Wolverine CreekHagios Press
BrendaSchmidtGridHagios Press
BrendaSchmidtFlight Calls: An Apprentice on the Art of ListeningKalamalka Press
HollySchofield“Home on the Free Range”Analog
HollySchofield“Clarity of Signal”Analog
HollySchofield“Standard Deviant”Lightspeed Magazine
HollySchofield“Graveyard Shift”Tesseracts
HollySchofield“Look, Don’t Touch” in Second ContactsBundoran Press
RodSchumacherHabits and LoveInsomniac Press
RodSchumacherBaptism by MudKalamalka Press
DanielScott TysdalDear AdolfSteel Bananas Publications
DanielScott TysdalThe Mourner’s Book of Albums: PoemsTightrope Books
DanielScott TysdalThe Writing Moment: A Practical Guide to Creating PoemsOxford University Press
DanielScott TysdalFauxccasional PoemsIcehouse Poetry
DanielScott TysdalThe End Is in the Middle: Mad Fold-In PoemsIcehouse Poetry
BrendaSciberrasStarlandTurnstone Press
BrendaSciberrasMagpie DaysTurnstone Press
DavidSealyStuck with the QueenPlaywrights Guild
DavidSealyThe Bob Shivery ShowPlaywrights Guild
DavidSealyLife’s Like ThatPlaywrights Guild
DavidSealyRunaway BarbiesPlaywrights Guild
DawnServiceThe Cabin: A Misanthropic Journalknownothing press
Renée M. SgroiIn a Tension of Leaves and BindingGuernica Editions
JoanShillingtonRevolutionsLeaf Press
JoanShillingtonFolding the Wilderness WithinFrontenac House Press
SandyShreveSuddenly, So MuchExile Editions
SandyShreveCedar Cottage SuiteLeaf Press
SandyShreveLevel CrossingAlfred Gustav Press
SandyShreveWaiting for the AlbatrossOolichan Books
BrenSimmersNight GearsWolsak and Wynn
MishaSolomonFULL SENTENCES Turret House Press
AnneSorbieAltar Ego: Gender, Property and the Cult of MarriageVDM Verlag
AnneSorbieMemoir of a Good DeathThistledown Press
Carolyn MarieSouaidYasmeen Haddad Loves Joanasi MaqaittikBaraka Books
Carolyn MarieSouaidLooking for HerBarake Books
KevinSpenstIgniteAnvil Press
KevinSpenstJabbering With Bing BongAnvil Press
KevinSpenstUpendAnvil Press
BirkSproxtonThe Red-Headed Woman with the Black Black HeartTurnstone Press
BirkSproxtonHeadframe: 2Turnstone Press
SheilaStewartThe Shape of a ThroatSignature Editions
SheilaStewartThe Art of Poetic Inquiry (co-editor)Backalong Books
SheilaStewartA Hat to Stop a TrainWolsak and Wynn
SheilaStewartIf I Write About My FatherEkstasis Editions
DSStymeistThe Bone WeirFrontenac House Press
DSStymeistCluster FluxFrontenac House Press
KateSutherlandSummer ReadingThistledown Press
KateSutherlandAll in Together GirlsThistledown Press
CarlSvobodaLetter to the New OwnersAlexandra Writers’ Centre Society
RubySwansonA Family OutingCormorant Books
ShirleySylvissModel FamiliesCoteau Books
LeonaTheisSightlinesCoteau Books
LeonaTheisThe Art of SalvageCoteau Books
LeonaTheisIf Sylvie Had Nine LivesFreehand Books
JoanThomasThe Opening SkyMcClelland & Stewart
JoanThomasCuriosityMcClelland & Stewart
JoanThomasReading by LightningGoose Lane editions
LindaThompsonBlack Bears in the Carrot FieldMother Tongue Publishing
MichaelTrusslerThe Sunday BookPalimpsest Press
MichaelTrusslerThe History ForestUniversity of Regina Press
MichaelTrusslerRare Sighting of a Guillotine on the SavannahMansfield Press
MichaelTrusslerrealiaRadiant Press
AyeletTsabariThe Best Place on EarthHarperCollins
AyeletTsabariThe Art of LeavingHarperCollins


RichardVan CampAngel Wing Splash PatternKegedonce Press
RichardVan CampWelcome Song for BabyOrca Book Publishers
RichardVan CampPath of the WarriorHealthy Aboriginal Network
RichardVan CampThe Moon of Letting GoEnfield & Wizenty
RichardVan CampKiss Me DeadlyHealthy Aboriginal Network
RichardVan CampGodless but Loyal to HeavenEnfield & Wizenty
RichardVan CampLittle YouOrca Book Publishers
RichardVan CampThree FeathersHighwater Press
RichardVan CampThis Place: 150 Years RetoldHighwater Press
RichardVan CampTaaqtumi: An Anthology of Arctic Horror StoriesInhabit Media
RichardVan CampMoccasin Square Gardens: Short StoriesDouglas & McIntyre
RichardVan CampGather: Richard Van Camp on the Joy of StorytellingUniversity of Regina Press
JeanVan LoonBuilding On RiverCormorant Books
Jean Van LoonNuclear FamilyMcGill-Queen’s University Press
JohnVignaBull HeadArsenal Pulp Press
LoriVosComing Home: A Spiritual MemoirShanti Arts Publishing
BernadetteWagnerThis Hot PlaceThistledown Press
BernadetteWagnerThe Dry ValleyRadiant Press
BobWakulichChanneling the MastersBig Pond Rumours Press
BobWakulichThe Purgatory Donut ShopSmashWords
BobWakulichSpiders on an Angel’s FaceSmashWords
BobWakulichQuestionable Parts of TownSmashWords
BobWakulichThe Correct Way to WalkSmashWords
BobWakulichWorry LinesSmashWords
BobWakulichThe Fluke and Other DramasSmashWords
BobWakulichI’ll Try to Explain: Volume 1SmashWords
RuthWalkerLiving UndergroundSeraphim Editions
Ruth/GwynnWalker/ScheltemaInspiration StationPiquant Press
KathleenWallVisible Cities
(poems inspired by Veronica Geminder’s urban photographs, with thanks to Don McKay and Ken Babstock)
University of Calgary Press
AudreyWhitsonThe Bachelors and Widows Christmas PartyRadical Bookshop
AudreyWhitsonThe Death of Annie the Water Witcher by LightningNewWest Press
LaurelynWhittAdagioSignature Editions
SusanWismerHand ShadowsWintergreen Press

Upcoming Publications

Joanne EppThrough the WindowThe Alfred Gustav Press2024
Ann CavlovicCount in MEGuernica Editions2025

Youth Publications

Each summer, Sage Hill offers free, five day writing workshops for young writers aged 11-18. These workshops offer young writers the chance to develop their skills via the mentorship of local authors.

We are proud to showcase a selection of 2024 youth program participants’ writing. Thank you to the writers for allowing us to publish your work here!

Those Fallen Souls Shall be Remembered by Peyton Y.
Those fallen soldiers fought for
your freedom, risking their lives
one on one the scars that show
will never unfold the truth behind
them, the truth that shows lays
underneath the solemn ground
may those souls be remembered
on November 11th.

The Jar by Peyton Y.
One day my best friend said to me
“How do you open this thing, every
time I do I always spill a little bit I
just wanna open it normally.” And I
said “it’s simple.” But really I hope
she never opens that jar.

There is Still Tomorrow by Liisa D.
Today is a good say. I have yet to doubt myself.
I have yet to question my motivations,
Question my reasons to live.
I have yet to let my mind wander,
To stray from its path.
Today is a good day. I have yet to doubt myself.
I have yet to overthink a basic conversation,
To stumble over my words like a fool.
I have yet to hide myself away,
Convinced that I am a nuisance.
Today is a good day.

Today is no longer a good day. I have doubted myself.
I questioned my motivations, my reasons to live.
I let my mind wander, and now I pay the price.
Today is no longer a good day. I have doubted myself.
I started to overthink, stumbled over my words like a fool.
I hid myself away, embarrassed and ashamed.
I feel like a nuisance.
Today is not a good day.

Today may not be a good day, but today is still worth living.
Today may not have gone my way, but I’ll still survive.
I may not thrive in the ways I intended to, but I can still succeed.
My mind may have wandered today and the many days before, but I know there is still tomorrow.
There may not always be a tomorrow.
But until that final day comes, I will continue to survive.
Today may not be a good day, but there is still tomorrow.

Dear President Rico by Leo W.
Dear President Rico,
They say your voice sounds better in your head,
I agree, people say mine sounds like a dying duck,
I think the government especially hate my voice,
Number one hater,
They don’t let me talk at all,
You know, all this neglecting paints my rainbow blue,
I want to speak up, but the government won’t let me,
Why Regenalor? The impact I have is subtle,
Big voices, subtle impact. 
Is it because my father quit being your henchman?
Is it because you still think I’m trying to kill you?
You know, life is like a sandwich.
Some people fill theirs with good ingredients,
And some people fill theirs with bad,
That’s why I’m not taking a bite out of yours,
You’ve been longing for this moment for many years,
Waiting for the chance to humiliate me,
Knowing that I can’t say anything or else you’ll take Liv and Andre away from me,
Take everything away from me,
Leave me with nothing,
Understand that it is all your fault,
You’re the reason Regenalor is going to collapse,
You’re the reason why your family is going to live in fear,
Know that.
For, I am Tras Silverwood, the son of the father that you killed years ago.
For, I am Tras Silverwood, the one to take revenge,
For, I am Tras Silverwood, the one that dares to speak up.
Just asking, what song would you like for your funeral?
I’ll pay for the choir because you won’t be able to,
You always looked like a “Highway to Hell” sort of guy,
Ha ha ha.
I’m sorry I can’t say any of this out loud but know that it’s all happening,
Blueprints ready, Tras mind is ready, no need to fidget,
How ‘bout this President.. I mean, dictator Rico, you sell Regenalor and
you’ll be all safe.
Reject this deal, and I’ma chase you all over town in your black leather tuxedo
I’ma bout to rip the damn apart,
“Please, please spare me”
I won’t give a damn about you,
Like how you never gave a damn about me,

I’ma teach you a lesson, lil scaredy,
I’ll fix you alright,
With my hatchet and hammer, 
Don’t be scared, Mr. President, just remember to listen to my
Step one. Resign from presidency
Step two. Let people speak
Step three. Put yourself into prison
Step four. Pay back all the money you stole
Step five. Shut yourself up
Remember to always pray for your safety,
From Tras Silverwood

A Brief and Dubious History of the Back-Pain Poster by Mythili G.
Some patients have trepidations about anesthesia. They ask if it will hurt. I used to tell them it would hurt less than if they stayed awake, but I learned that that only scared people further. It was like telling a small child not to wake up in the middle of the night because the spindly-armed goblin under his bed would eat him. Nowadays, I tell them they’ll have pleasant dreams and they’ll wake up just fine, and it won’t hurt. Most of them do have pleasant dreams. Some have strange dreams. Deborah was a patient who had a strange dream.

A brief and dubious history of the back-pain poster:

It was 1908. The artist was Polish in America. He didn’t speak English. He carried a bewildered expression with him wherever he went. He lived in a little thatched hut outside Connecticut. He hated to eat because he never managed to get the food he wanted at the grocery store. He woke up one morning with a yearning for hotcakes and peach slices. He went to the grocer and asked for flour and peaches. He wound up with a pound of ham and a celery stick. Each meal was like reaching into a bag of party favours and pulling out some object you couldn’t recognize or comprehend what pleasure could be derived from it. He walked home with the celery stick between his teeth and the ham in a sack over his shoulder. He looked like a very bored and mildly irritated horse. The sides of his brown vest flapped slowly in and out with the wind. A cart of chickens passed by and squawked at him angrily. He had learned to tune out the sounds he could not understand. Along with English, these included wildlife’s declarations. The artist had been painfully aware of his ignorance for a period before his muting of the world. Nobody else in Connecticut in 1908 was aware of just how much they didn’t know, but he was. In the loneliness of that knowledge, he was both slightly above and slightly below them, occupying his own plane parallel to theirs but, he thought, never touching it.

A man walked up beside him, leading a Camel with a rope. That was rare. The artist looked over and looked at the Camel and formed a sentence in his head that could be translated approximately to, “the earth has been flipped inside out and back and thrown in a giant laundry and we have all been juggled around like coins in its pockets and we are probably going to go blind from the preposterous amount of detergent.” He reached up to adjust the celery stick. It was slimy from his saliva. The man leading the Camel looked over and grimaced. The artist willfully ignored him. The Camel looked over, eyed the juicy celery, and pounced on the artist. The artist found it difficult to ignore that.

The Camel wrestled the artist down onto his sack of ham on the side of the road while the other man made a negligible attempt to control his beast. The artist thrashed around beneath it for a while and then realized that all he needed to do was be still and relinquish the celery. The Camel reached forward with its great muzzle and plucked the celery out of the artist’s mouth with astonishing daintiness. From afar, they might have seemed to be kissing. Satisfied, the Camel gave a curt nod and continued its princely saunter down the road. The celery stuck out of its high-held head like a cigar in the mouth of a plump man with a mustache who is convinced he has just made a brilliant business decision.

The man had let go of the rope and looked between his quick-disappearing Camel and the artist on the ground, trying to decide whether it was worth it to be a good Samaritan. He reached a hand down to the artist and said, “sorry about that.” The artist didn’t know what ‘sorry’ meant, but now it was forever associated with an outstretched palm. The artist stood up. His back hurt. His ham was mushed. He hadn’t really wanted ham anyway. He felt the petulant fury one does when they have spent many hours acquiring things and disregarding their thoughts, only to find themselves jolted by the dispossession of both thoughts and things. It was an empty, empty feeling.

The artist looked at the man. The man looked at anything except the artist. The man asked if he could walk the artist home. The artist cursed politely in Polish and turned and hobbled off in a direction he could guarantee was not homewards, but he would have to keep going because he did not want to face the man with his impossible questions again.

The artist travelled in a straight line until a star came out and startled him. He looked up at it and held the curve of his back with his left hand. He wondered how he looked. He guessed that he looked like he was waiting for the dark sky to open up and become bright again, like stage curtains revealing the set of some bubbly performance. He thought someone should paint him right then. It would be a masterpiece titled “Waiting for Time,” or “Sojourner.” It would sell for so many dollars. All the ritzy museums would want it. They would fight over it. Their leaders would meet in a solemn boardroom with a different animal head on the back of each chair. They would each take a side of the painting and grit their old yellow teeth and pull until it ripped apart. Then they would all let it go and it would fall into five pieces on the floor. They would blame each other and sue each other. And the judge would tell them each to take one piece. And then the judge would tell them to stop smoking in his courtroom. They would point out that the judge himself was smoking. So the judge would become enraged and have them thrown out of the building. All the museum leaders would remember to take their pieces except for one, because he was too worried about the hole in his cashmere sock showing to run fast enough. And that piece would be the piece with the artist’s hand on his back, and it would go home with the judge and hang in his bedroom for years and years, and he would always wonder whose body it was in the painting, in such exquisite tension. The judge would retire and search America for the artist in the painting. And he would find him in the little thatched hut in Connecticut, eating dirty ham. The judge would kneel down beside the artist’s chair and take off his hat and hold it to his heart and call the artist the most beautiful mystery of his life and beg permission to whisk him away into affluence, just like he deserved. And by a miracle, the artist would understand those words.

Another star came into view and the artist lowered his eyes and waved his hand away from his back and looked around to find out which way he had to go to get home. He saw a light in the distance and walked toward it with no deliberation. He felt silly for his fantasy. There was a universal, unspoken disgust for individuals who wished to be famous and rich. It had been in his homeland and it was here, where it was all the more powerful because it was like a vibration not needing words to be expressed. The artist reasoned to himself that the sentiment wasn’t completely fair. The shame in manipulating art for material gain was really a hypocritical idea. If art could hang on walls in museums and palaces and people would pay to see it, and complain that they had to pay to see it, if its value was to be judged by money, then why on earth did the artist himself not get to demand some money? If art was going to be processed in a system where it didn’t belong, then at least the system could show some respect and pay up.

The artist approached the light feeling quite righteous indeed. He knocked on the door of the house. A woman wearing a nightcap opened it. “Yes?” The woman said. The artist had limited experience with the word ‘yes.’ In most contexts, it meant, “I grant permission for you to do this thing you have requested.” In this case, he knew, he had requested nothing yet. This woman must be superhumanly generous, he deduced, despite the look on her face. He smiled very nicely and barged past her into the house. He found a pillow in the small living room, put it on the kitchen table, and lay down. In his head, he had told her everything that had happened to him since he was twelve, and asked to stay the night to rest his back.

Of course, the woman knew nothing about him and was horrified. She was a widow. Her husband had passed away in the night a winter ago and she had found him frozen when she woke to get some water. Her son was in the army. Very little frightened her. But she didn’t know if she was strong enough to throw the intruder out. He didn’t seem scrawny enough, but he looked tired. She closed the door and walked over to him. She jabbed at his shoulder. He opened his eyes. She asked him who the hell he was and what the hell he thought he was doing. He prepared to explain something in Polish, but became embarrassed because he remembered she would not understand. So he opened his mouth into various graphic shapes, until the woman tired of him and fetched a pad and paper so he could write it out. She thought he had laryngitis. He thought she wanted him to draw her a picture.

He thought hard about what to draw to impress this person. He hated himself for that. He became frustrated. He drew what he felt like. He drew his back. He drew a man bent over, holding his back. He drew a man lying down, holding his back. He drew a woman walking, holding her back. He drew a woman running, carrying a baby and holding her back. He drew every iteration of back-pain he could imagine. By the time he was done, the woman had fallen asleep. The sun had come up outside. He yawned and climbed carefully off the table. He moved the pillow he had used closer to the woman so that if she tossed in her sleep, she would hit something soft. He put the pad down next to her and walked out the door.

When most patients wake up, they ask me things like, “is it over already?” and “is it safe for me to go to the bathroom?” Sometimes they’re still groggy and ask me something related to what they’ve dreamt, like “what did you do with Edna?” (Edna being a goldfish) and “is Daddy coming back?”

Deborah was a surprising one. She asked me where the poster on the wall came from. I had to look around to see it. It was so old I hardly thought about it, like a ring on your finger you never took off and forgot was there. I told her it had been my mother’s. She asked how my mother had gotten it. I laughed and told her nobody knew. Mother insisted a man had come into her house one night in 1908 and drew it for her and left. Nobody believed that, except apparently Deborah. I’d always wondered what it was about 1908. I don’t know if my mother was lonely then. Papa was gone. I was in the army. I used to fight in those days, before I had to switch to doctoring. Mother’s story had to have happened before the war because the war came and took everybody’s innocence away. In Connecticut in 1908, nobody knew how much they didn’t know. A while after 1908, you didn’t hallucinate artists who drew you pretty, emotional posters. You hallucinated monsters.

Deborah was able to leave soon after her procedure. She collected her coat and slid her feet into white-furred boots, told me it really happened, and walked out the door.

The Lethal Beverage by Tanitoluwa M.
I am dragged out of my petite cottage in the village side by soldiers. My once-
buttery skin is brazed by the sharp tiny stones and dirt on the ground. I lifted my head
above the ground, and with my good eye, I saw one of the soldiers throw a match into a
puddle of kerosene. With a flicker of the match, the spark of fire snaked its way into the
cluster of cottages, engulfing each home in flames. The flames leaped up, consuming
the wooden floors, sending shards of glass from the window, flying into the night.
Parents fled the scene with their children in their arms. I searched for mine, but the
scene was swallowed up by black smoke rising into the night sky.  

I am resurrected from my nightmare by a knock, no, a bang on my metallic door,
that results in a buzzing effect with each reverberation reminding me that I’m not a free
woman. Ever since the night I was captured from my home, I’ve been far from free, I’m
a measly slave girl and a concubine to the king. 
“Woman, where’s my tea!” the King ordered as he barged into my room, or as I
would like to call it, my dreary, dimly lit dungeon. “It’s… I haven’t-” I stutter, as my brain
rummages for a selection of words to tell him that I was just on my way to get it.
However, my search comes to an abrupt halt when the back of his left-hand swings
from his side, across the space between us, slamming into my right cheek. My ears
begin to ring, and I can barely stand, as I stagger backwards, feeling for something I
can grasp before I collapse. At this point, I’m fuming. I can swear that my ears are
steaming due to the heat stinging my eyes, causing hot tears to trickle down my
damaged cheeks. 
When my eyes could finally find focus, I simply strolled past him, trying to avoid
any eye contact before he yelled again. I was infuriated. I wanted to flee this doomed
land. I wanted to hit him where it hurt, badly. But I couldn’t, because if I did, he could
grab any edged object to kill me, like he has attempted to do. I’m a slave here with no
power whatsoever.  
Forget being a slave. I can’t take this anymore. This man must die. 
I make my way to the kitchen and prepare the tea as I would on any other day,
only that today ended up being different. Dangerously different. 
I bring the water to a boil and pour it into a mug, letting the contents of the teabag
dissipate into the water. Next, I pour precisely three tablespoons of milk into the tea and
stir. The king always has tea with sugar. I remember this because I was nearly unalive
when he flung a mug across the room, aiming for my face, because I forgot to add
sugar to his tea. I cannot afford to near death again because even though life is cruel
under this man’s roof, I’m sure of one thing: I must outlive this cruel man. 
The sugar is usually kept in a glass jar with the label: SUGAR on it, but when I
got to the shelf, yes, I did see a glass jar containing white crystalline particles, but not
labelled. I searched other compartments of the shelf, no sign of sugar. The sugar must
be here, somewhere
I thought. They couldn’t have just removed the label out of
nowhere? I checked other cupboards but no sight of a labeled jar. I shrugged the
thought that it could be something else, and I scooped two generous tablespoons of the substance out of the jar, and into the King’s tea. 
As I plated the tea, a fellow concubine came in, demanding that she wanted to
serve it herself. 
“You can be plotting to kill him for all I know!” she ranted. 
As much as I would love to watch him die, there’s no way I could do it. Not now
at least. 
I refused to reply, but she wasn’t taking no for an answer. She snatched the mug from
the plate I was holding, and stirs the tea vigorously, trying to see if sediments suspend
from the tea, to prove that maybe I’m a murderer. When she doesn’t get anything, she
finally takes a sip of it. Still nothing. 
She places the mug back on the plate she snatched it from. Seconds later,
something feels off about her. It’s like she was trying to say something, but the words
couldn’t make their way out of her mouth but transformed into groans as they escaped.
Her eyes rolled sheepishly, and she kept bobbing her head backwards till she fell to the
What just happened! 
 She couldn’t have collapsed suddenly? No!
Maybe she was sick, and she cannot hide
the illness any longer. 
Or maybe I’ve killed her? 
I do a mental scan of all the ingredients I put in the tea: Tea bag, Water, Sugar… 
I rushed to the shelf and pulled out the jar I supposed was sugar. I checked the
sides of the jar, hoping I’d find the nutritional value, or was blind and the name of the
substance was boldly written there. How could I be this careless! 
I turned the jar upside down; where I saw a little note pasted there: 

Extremely toxic, large amounts could lead to DEATH 
I paused for a moment, making illustrations with my hands to piece together
these bizarre events: 
I put cyanide in the tea. She drank the tea. She’s dead. 
I began restlessly pacing around her lifeless body. What am I going to do? As I turned
around to resume the pacing, a thought dashed through my head, and I started piecing
that together. Fortunately, the answer to my miserable life lay in the puzzle. 
I put cyanide in the tea. The King drinks the tea. The King dies. 
With that, a smirk appears on my sweaty face. I pick up the plate with the mug of tea,
and head up to the king’s chamber…